No Rules

Something's to keep in mind while reading this blog. 

 I do write down recipes but its only the ingredients and directions. I do not measure! I am not a baker. I don't want to spend my time in the kitchen measuring out every ingredient. Im very Go With The Flow when I'm cooking. There are two main reason I cook this way...

     - I usually never make the same dish twice & for me...thats fun. Each time is a new adventure. 

     - I also cook this way because it makes me rely on my senses more. Im constantly tasting, smelling & listening. A recipe, should just be a guideline...a small map to help you get to your destination. Not everyone likes each ingredient in a recipe or things prepared a certain make it your own. Add something different, take something away....don't be afraid to make it your own.

Also, I like to think my recipes & ideas cater to the everyday wife/mother etc..
I don't use rare, special ingredients
I no longer have hours to prepare meals
I try to use the staples from the fridge & pantry
And it taste good. I would never post a recipe that I wasn't 100% proud of. 

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