Thursday, June 4, 2015

Caprese Burgers!!

My husband and I were shopping the other day when he said he wanted burgers for dinner later in the week. I decided to get the ingredients so we could have a Caprese salad on the side & I decided to combine the two to make a seriously awesome Caprese Burger!

What you will need: Ground beef, mozzarella cheese, basil, garlic, tomatoes, red onion, arugula, balsamic vinegar, some italian seasonings,salt/pepper & your choice of bun.

Combine the beef with diced red onion, a couple cloves of minced garlic, sliced basil (reserve at least 2 leaves for later) & a good tablespoon of the italian seasoning. (the mix that I used has dried basil, oregano, parsley & thyme.) Allow the meat to chill for at least 30 minutes.

When you go to form your patties, if the meat is to wet/loose, add some breadcrumbs to tighten up the mixture.

Form the patties to your desired size and place on a super hot grill. Once you flip them, place a big slice of the mozzarella cheese on the top and continue cooking till the burgers are cooked to your liking.

Turn the grill off, place your burger buns on the grill to toast & sprinkle the reserved basil on top of the warm cheese.

To assemble:
Place the arugula on the bottom bun
Then add the burger

Top with a thick slice of tomato, sprinkle with salt & pepper
Drizzle with the balsamic vinegar & serve!

The flavors of this burger were to die for!! I can say with absolute confidents that this is one of the BEST burgers I've ever had! My husband devoured two & then spent the rest of the evening telling me how great dinner was! 

To me, the best compliment you can ever get, is when someone loves your food!

Enjoy & Always Cook with Love!

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